Friday, May 27, 2022

Keedam: "Reasonably engaging take on surveillance!!!"

'Hacking', a word that has steadily gained prominence over the years has been a cause of concern even for Governments, with privacy & security getting compromised. In our nation, it is a punishable offence as per Section 66 of the IT Act; but the fact remains that most culprits get away scot-free. Apparently, there was a hilarious sequence in "Jo & Jo" where Naslen boasts about being hacker & gains access into Nikhila's WhatsApp. But on a serious note, hacking can be an excruciating experience for the victim & hence I was intrigued to check out Rahul Riji Nair's "Keedam" which is about how technology is used to torment the protagonist's stalkers. 

Radhika (Rejisha Vijayan) is an independent & confident cybersecurity professional who ran a start-up along with her partner. Her father, Balan (Sreenivasan) is a retired advocate who hoped to see his daughter married & settled down. Things moved along fine until Radhika started to get anonymous calls from a lascivious jerk. Though he was nabbed by the police in due time, it turned out to be the beginning of a harrowing experience for the father & daughter. However, Radhika was not willing to go down without a fight & she decided to teach the stalkers a lesson through the use of her expertise in technology. 

Ever since Rahul Riji made his directorial debut with "Ottamuri Velicham", he has constantly come up with projects that was critically acclaimed. His latest project like the others is rooted in reality despite the topic being cybersecurity which in the hands of most others would have been overblown and treated in a tacky and amateurish manner with outlandish graphics. The protagonist is shown as a normal female who uses her skills & expertise to tackle a tough situation and at the same time it drives home the point that though surveillance is not legal, if it is done with the right intentions then it can be justified. But there is still a lot of grey area when it comes to surveillance etc & Rahul has smartly decided to stay clear of it. On the technical side, it does not deserve special mention as it was average at best.

Both Rajisha & Sreenivasan did justice to their parts with the latter being spot on as the frail & anxious father. Manikandan continued to impress whenever he got an opportunity (kinda surprised as to why he isn't offered more roles) while Renjith Shankar was fine as the gangster & seemingly gave us a glimpse of his caliber with various shades of character in the projects that he has been involved in till now. As for the rest of the cast, Vijay Babu, Rahul etc did their parts aptly.

Verdict: It touched upon a topic which hasn't been discussed much in our industry & that too in a female oriented project. It does keep the engaged & Rahul made sure he made it crisp with a run time of just 2 h. In short, give it a try!!!

Rating: 2.5/5


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