The much awaited Gautham Vasudev Menon's directorial debut in Malayalam has finally hit the screens with Mammootty Kampany bankrolling the project. Surprisingly, this had a rather low keel build up to its release though the trailer did evoke expectations. Since most of Mammookka's choice of movies over the past few years has been delightful for the audience, it would be interesting to know as to what the legend had come up with this time around & that too in the company of GVM.
CI Dominic (Mammookka) was a former police officer who presently ran a private detective agency that dealt with trivial low profile cases & was assisted by Vicky (Gokul Suresh). It was around this time that his house owner, Mrs Madhuri (Viji Venkatesh) entrusts him with the task of finding the owner of a purse that she had found in a hospital. As Dominic struggled to make ends meet & had unpaid rental debts, he decided to take up the case as she had agreed to write them off. However, what seemed like a simple case turned out to be much more complicated than what he had expected.
Apparently, the script is by two doctors, Dr. Neeraj Rajan & Dr. Sooraj Rajan with the screenplay being worked upon by GVM as well. The main positive is undoubtedly the thought that has gone into the character of the protagonist as well as the camaraderie between Dominic & Vicky which had a reasonable sprinkling of humour. But when it came to the mystery aspect, I felt that it was quite predictable (though that didnt pose to be a dampener) with the main issue being the inability to produce high moments when significant reveals were made. The action choreography was quite laborious while Vishnu Dev's visuals were fine along with Darbuka Siva's sound track.
The USP of the movie is undoubtedly Mammookka who rocked yet again as the protagonist who had his own share of flaws & shortcomings but had a keen sense of observation and concentration. The manner in which he played that role made him endearing & that to a certain extent managed to salvage the average script. Gokul did a decent job while Sushmita Bhatt deserves praise for her performance. The rest of the cast were ok but does not warrant special mention.
Verdict: The subtle tip of the hat to Sherlock Holmes & Watson is what the makers have attempted & they have managed to do justice to it to a certain extent. But the execution of the mystery element needed more impact even as Mammookka kept us invested in it with his craft. Do check it out!!!
Rating; 2.5/5
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